To conquer space in the media with national coverage, give a voice to the investment area, expand the presence of PagBank in the main personal finance/investment vehicles through the recommended portfolios, as well as advertise the company’s products and solutions.
Consolidate the image of PagBank as a complete, safe and free digital bank that operates on two fronts: financial services and means of payments (mainly through the promotion of new products and services in acquiring).
The investment area started to explore relevant content with a view to providing services to the population, published in various media.
Use the intellectual capital (Thought Leadership) of the Company’s spokespeople to generate new content, bringing knowledge and services to the market.
Strategic disclosure of periodical balance sheets, investment portfolios, partnerships and launches of products and solutions to the media that do not yet publish articles about the Company.
Source for topics such as financial education, personal finance, digital banking security systems, control and combat against fraud and scams and tips on the best investments, also with a bias towards providing services, in addition to finance, payments, credit, business, companies and fintechs.

Expansion of the brand awarenes of PagBank among opinion makers.
It became a source not only for editorials on finance, payments, credit, business, companies and fintechs, but also on technology, innovation, financial education and investments, among others.
It began to have an open channel with some of the main vehicles of economy, business and finance of the country, besides the trades of fintechs, payments, credit, investments, technology, innovations and financial education / personal finance.