
To position Ericsson as a pioneer provider of 5G technology in Brazil, through a series of communication actions using digital content and social networks, without using traditional media. The main obstacle was the general public’s lack of knowledge about 5G technology, which also showed the need for «catechization» within the communication strategy.


To achieve the project’s implementation objectives, XCOM put together an integrated digital communication platform, which included a portal that served as a hub for dynamic content and strategic use of social networks, with original and eye-catching pieces to generate engagement and traffic to the site. All with practically no development or media budget.

With content segmented by audience of interest, Sociedade 5G is an information portal about the 5G technology under development in Brazil, with market news, success cases and technology applications, besides blogposts and an interactive map.

The social networks used a light language and an instigating visual, even in the most complex issues, to make the subject more accessible to as many people as possible.


6 months after the launch of the project, the results have exceeded all expectations.

More than

2 million

people impacted

accounting for more than


hits on the website


impressions on Facebook

1.2 millions

impressions on Instagram


impressions on LinkedIn